Festival Khai Mua Muong Thang in Cao Phong

20/09/2024 316 0

As one of the four major Muong regions of the province, Muong Thang - Cao Phong, Hoa Binh not only has favorable conditions for socio-economic development, but is also rich in cultural traditions with unique and distinctive festivals and customs, one of which is the Khai Mua Muong Thang (Open Rice Planting Season) festival.

The Khai Mua Muong Thang festival is organized based on the reenactment of the Muong ethnic group's going-to-the-field ceremony. The festival is usually held in the first lunar month at the district level, imbued with folk beliefs with many traditional rituals and a joyful and distinctive festival.

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Overview of the 2024 Khai Mua Muong Thang festival

The festival begins with a ceremony to worship the three Saints of Tan Vien Son Thanh at Muong Thang Temple (Dong Ngoai hamlet); a ceremony to worship the tomb of the Princess of the Le Dynasty - who taught the people of Muong Thang to grow cotton, weave cloth, grow wet rice and build solidarity of people between the plains and mountainous areas, a procession of the Thanh Hoang palanquin from Muong Thang Temple to Dung Phong commune stadium. Here, when the gong and sacrificial music have just ended, the shaman slowly steps up to read the prayer to ask for permission to open the festival and review the famous Muong epic De dat, De nuoc (giving birth to land and water).

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A procession in the festival

To ensure the organization of the festival was thorough, the members were present very early to prepare for the stages, everyone wholeheartedly carried out the assigned tasks and wished to express their respect to the gods such as the local god of land, the Thanh Hoang (the god of the village) who had blessed the village with a year of favorable weather, good wind, and good luck. At the same time, they wished that in the new year the villagers would have a smooth farming year, and that every family would be healthy, well-off, and happy.

Sharing the careful preparation atmosphere of the Organizing Committee, the villagers also eagerly bought themselves the most beautiful traditional costumes, joining the crowd of people flocking to the locations to perform the ceremony and participate in the fun parts of the festival.

The festival took place impressively, first of all were the art performances on stage, recreating the history of the festival; introducing the cultural characteristics and typical products of the locality. In addition, cultural and artistic activities, sports, folk games with rich and diverse contents such as: Thuong Rang singing competition, Muong gong performance competition, cuisine, volleyball competition, tug of war, stick pushing, crossbow shooting, Con throwing (traditional games), etc. attract many people and thousands of local people and tourists to attend. It can be said that the Khai Mua Muong Thang festival has become an indispensable traditional cultural activity in the cultural and spiritual life of Muong Thang (Cao Phong) people every time Tet and Spring comes, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere among the people, a favorable opportunity for people to participate in enjoying, preserving and promote national cultural identity.

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Folk games and dances held in the Festival

are enthusiastically participated by the people

Muong Thang (Cao Phong district) is an ancient land, one of the four large Muong regions of Hoa Binh province (first Bi, second Vang, third Thang, fourth Dong). Every time Tet comes, spring comes, all Muong villages resound with the sound of gongs signaling the opening of the season festival, wishing for a year of favorable weather, successful production for farmers, prosperity for every family, and peace for the village.

The festival is also an occasion to honor those who have contributed to the country and the community; mobilizing artisans and people to create a joyful and healthy atmosphere. The festival has created conditions for people to participate, enjoy, preserve and promote national identity in spiritual and cultural life, promoting the traditional cultural beauty of the ethnic people in the Muong Thang region. 

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