Gau Tao Festival 2024 of Mong ethnic group in Hang Kia, Pa Co - Mai Chau

02/04/2024 02/04/2024

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On January 20, 2024, at the sports field of Hang Kia - Pa Co commune, Mai Chau district,  Gau Tao Festival of the Mong in Hoa Binh took place. Gau Tao Festival is a traditional folk festival, a cultural and religious activity that has existed for a long time and was revived in 2017.


The overview of the 2024 Gau Tao Festival of the 

Mong ethnic group in Pa Co, Mai Chau

"Gau Tao" in the language of Mong people means "playing outdoors" or "hillside gathering". The festival consists of two main parts. The ceremonial part involves the ritual of erecting a Neu tree (cay Neu). The Neu tree in Gau Tao Festival symbolizes the sacred connection between heaven and earth. The festival is organized with the hope for blessings from the divine, for the village to be peaceful and joyful, for a bountiful harvest in the new year, for favorable weather, and to wish everyone health, prosperity, and success in agriculture and animal husbandry. At the same time, the festival aims to honor the cultural identity of the ethnic group and promote the tourism potential associated with the culture of Hang Kia and Pa Co communes. 

The ritual of offering the Neu tree includes offerings of chicken, wine, rice, and paper. The officiant lights incense, burns joss paper, then walks counterclockwise three times around the Neu tree, followed by three more clockwise rounds while singing Tinh chay song (Mong traditional song), promising to inform the divine spirits about the purpose of erecting the Neu tree, organizing the thanksgiving ceremony, and seeking blessings for the new year with favorable weather and a bountiful harvest, wishing everyone health, prosperity, and success in their endeavors. As soon as the opening drumbeat resounds, people begin the traditional circle dance of the Mong ethnic group around the Neu tree.

The festival features various distinctive and appealing activities, such as cultural performances showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Mong ethnic group by Mong boys and girls; exploring food stalls, agricultural products, and specialties of the Mong ethnic community; participating in traditional folk games and sports such as throwing Pao (a kind of ball), playing Tu Lu (a traditional spinning top), stilt walking, and playing the Khen (a traditional flute); competing in making sticky rice cake; competing in traditional costume contests. The organization of Gau Tao festival contributes to the preservation, promotion, and celebration of the cultural identity of the Mong ethnic group. Additionally, it enhances promotion and introduces the history, culture, and tourism potential of Pa Co and Hang Kia communes to both domestic and international tourists. The festival meets the spiritual needs and aspirations of the people in the two communes, fostering a cultural and spiritually healthy lifestyle, and creating a joyful and enthusiastic atmosphere to welcome the Lunar New Year 2024 – the year of Dragon. 


Mong girls dressed up in their finest outfits to attend the festival

Gau Tao Festival is deeply intertwined with the existential beliefs of the Mong people in the Northwestern region. It embodies the wish for good health, vitality, favorable weather, and abundant harvests. The festival's essence should be preserved and celebrated on every Tet occasion, welcoming the spring in warm, joyful, and colorful vibes of brocades, filled with the laughter, songs, and unique melodies of Mong people. During the festival, many domestic and international tourists come to Mai Chau to experience the delightful and distinctive moments of participating in Gau Tao Festival.


The shaman conducts a ritual around the Neu tree


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