Hoa Binh Provincial People's Committee approved construction zoning plan, scale 1/2000, Toan Son commune area, Da Bac district and Hoa Binh commune, Hoa Binh city (Division No. 1A)

30/11/2023 29/12/2023

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On December 18, 2023, the Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2941/QD-UBND on approving the 1/2000 scale construction zoning project of Toan Son commune, Da Bac district and Hoa Binh commune, Hoa Binh city (Division No. 1A).

The project was approved with the main goal, nature and function of exploiting and effectively using existing land and infrastructure systems. Take advantage of available advantages in traffic, landscape, tourism potential and construction land fund; Form specific functional areas for resort tourism, create new residential land funds and renovate rural residential areas in accordance with approved general construction planning. There is a synchronous social infrastructure, technical infrastructure and environmental landscape, ensuring sustainable development. Functional subdivision, identification of main functions, ensuring compliance with current conditions and orientations of the province. Arrange social and technical infrastructure works according to current standards and regulations. Select appropriate economic and technical standards to design architectural, infrastructure and technology construction zoning plans. Prepare structural plans and land use zoning plans.

The project has oriented the organization of space, architecture, and landscape for the tourism sector. Proposal to organize space into a complex; To develop harmoniously and with a connection in the spirit of linking residential areas with tourism, resort and service spaces to promote the value of Hoa Binh Lake's ecosystem. Form key spaces and highlight clusters in the center of the planning area, with hotel buildings, indoor and outdoor entertainment areas, glass staircase systems, glass elevators, cable car... The location of highlight works is mainly chosen in areas with high altitudes and open views of the buildings. The basic tourism service area is arranged according to the orientation in the General Planning Project for the construction of Hoa Binh Lake National Tourist Area, Hoa Binh province by 2035, a number of locations of high mountain tourism service land are planned. adjusted to suit current terrain and landscape conditions to ensure feasibility in construction investment and create a highlight for the entire area.

The People's Committee of Hoa Binh province assigned the Chief of Office of the Provincial People's Committee and Directors of Departments and branches along with the Chairman of the People's Committee of Da Bac district and Hoa Binh city as well as relevant organizations and individuals to be responsible for organizing perform.

Hoa Binh Lake tourist area possesses pristine beauty along with natural caves and waterfalls containing many hidden beauty. Most importantly, visitors coming to Ngoi hamlet will be able to explore and learn about the cultural life of the Muong people in the stilt houses with ancient customs and practices still preserved, along with the interesting bells sound , Xenh Tien dance, Muong folk song lyrics, Mo Muong performance,etc. Besides, visitors can also participate in shrimp boating, fishing, catching seafood at Hoa Binh lake, other experiential activities. This exciting experience will certainly leave an unforgettable impression in the hearts of every visitor.

From the value of potential tourism resources, on August 1, 2016, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 1528/QD-TTg approving the Master Plan for development of Hoa Binh Lake National Tourist Area, Hoa Binh province until 2030. Accordingly, the content of the master plan for developing Hoa Binh Lake National Tourist Area includes: Analysis and assessment of regional relationships; important national orientations and projects; natural conditions, current socio-economic and tourism status; Cultural characteristics and specific factors affecting Hoa Binh Lake National Tourist Area; Evaluate the implementation of existing and valid plans and projects; Identify and clarify directions in relevant sector planning; orienting land use planning for the entire tourist area, determining the scope and scale of land use in the area according to each stage of development, ensuring effective exploitation and use of land; spatial development orientation. This is an important orientation for Hoa Binh province to call for investment to exploit the potential for tourism development, gradually meeting the criteria of becoming a national tourist area, a tourist center. The largest tourist area in Hoa Binh province and one of the 12 key national tourist areas in the Northern Midlands and Mountains region with a typical tourism product of tourism to learn and experience Muong culture associated with the reservoir ecosystem. With unique tourism values and imbued with the cultural identity of Hoa Binh ethnic groups, it gives visitors unforgettable impressions of Hoa Binh Lake Tourist Area. 


Sample Plan